Breakaway 破窗飛翔

Grew up in a small town 出身小城And when the rain would fall down 當雨落下
I just stared out my window 我凝視窗外
Dreaming of what could be 遙想我的未來
And if I'd end up happy 我將有快樂結局
I would pray (I would pray) 我衷心祈禱

Trying hard to reach out 盡力延伸
But when I'd try to speak out 當我嘗試傾訴
Felt like no one could hear me 卻感到沒人認同
Wanted to belong here 我想屬於這裡
But something felt so wrong here 但感覺不在這裏
So I pray (I would pray) 我衷心祈禱
I could breakaway 能夠破窗飛翔

I'll spread my wings and 展開夢想的翅膀
I'll learn how to fly 學習飛翔
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky 我將盡其一切觸及夢想
I'll make a wish 許下心願
Take a chance 把握機會
Make a change 嚐試改變
And breakaway 破窗飛翔
Out of the darkness and into the sun 逃離誨暗 迎向朝陽
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved 但我不忘初衷
I'll take a risk 承擔風險
Take a chance 把握機會
Make a change 嚐試改變
And breakaway 破窗飛翔

Wanna feel the warm breeze 想感受和煦的微風
Sleep under a palm tree 在棕梠下安睡
Feel the rush of the ocean 感受大海的浪潮
Get onboard a fast train 搭上快車
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 乘坐飛機,直達夢想遠方
And breakaway 破窗飛翔


Buildings with a hundred floors 造起摩天高樓
Swinging around revolving doors 在旋轉門裡穿梭
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but 或許不知遠方真意
Gotta keep moving on, moving on 就是勇往直前
Fly away, breakaway 破窗飛翔,直達遠方

I'll spread my wings 展開夢想的翅膀
And I'll learn how to fly 學習飛翔
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye 就算難以道別
I gotta take a risk 但我願意冒險
Take a chance 把握機會
Make a change 嚐試改變
And breakaway 破窗飛翔
Out of the darkness and into the sun 逃離誨暗 迎向朝陽
But I won't forget the place I come from 但我不忘本
I gotta take a risk 我願意冒險
Take a chance 把握機會
Make a change 嚐試改變
And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway 破窗飛翔 飛翔 飛翔


    創作者 austin520sharon 的頭像

    Austin 與 Sharon 的小花園

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